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Service for Sunday 29th March 2020


Lord Jesus Christ,
on this Sunday when we remember your Passion,
we rejoice that you have chosen to be with us today;
our thoughts and words are inadequate to express our gratitude for your many blessings.
Even so, Gracious Father, we offer you our thanks:
we thank you for every loyal person who has persisted in goodness,
and gone on following Christ Jesus even when discouraged, hindered, and reproached.
We thank you for their faith, a faith rewarded with many gifts,
gifts which they never thought to possess,
gifts which have made others strong and whole, wise and good, hopeful and joyful.
We thank you for those – those whose faith and commitment have nurtured our own faith,
and helped us to hear and understand your call to us.
And we thank you for the hope we have, hope that our gifts and our talents
will be used for the benefit of other lives,
and that we and they together may discover ever new powers in ourselves,
to sustain one another and to glorify you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God our Father,
your almighty power received its fullest expression in the humble integrity of Jesus,
refusing to comprise with evil or run away from the consequences
of his commitment to your goodness.
And so, in his name we offer our prayers for others.
Gracious Father, we pray for Elizabeth, our Queen
and for all the members of the Royal Family;
and especially at this difficult time for our country we remember her Government,
and all members of her Parliaments and Councils.
We pray that they may have integrity, seeking not power for themselves,
but good for all people.

We pray for those who find themselves resorting to violence,
and also for those who suffer from its effects.
Let there be forgiveness, compassion, reconciliation;
break down these appalling barriers of hatred, break through the prejudice,
the entrenched positions which make reconciliation impossible.
Lord, use us and all our fellow Christians, by whatever name they call themselves,
as instruments of your peace in the world.
Loving Father,
we pray for all those who are ill, lonely, lost, despairing;
we pray for all who mourn, those whose ambitions have come to nothing,
those who are unemployed, those who feel that life is empty of meaning.
We pray, especially at this time, for all affected by Coronavirus,
For those who are ill; for those who’ve lost a loved one.
For those who find their life turned upside down.
For those who are fighting to contain it and stop its spread.

Lord, use us, our fellow Christians, and all those who genuinely care,
to bring friendship, hope, healing, help and meaning into the lives of other people.
God our Father, we bring to you now those whom we name in the silence of our hearts;
those of our community and those known to us;
those who are ill and need the comfort of your Spirit;
those who are bereaved and need the consolation of your love...

God of love and power, you hold all souls in life,
and you bind together all your people in heaven and on earth
into one holy fellowship of service and love.
We praise you for those, who in their generation have been lights in the world,
and in whose lives we’ve seen reflections of your goodness and love.
We thank you for all that was and is pure and true, beautiful and good, in them
and for the grace you gave to them;
for the example they’ve left of faith and hope and duty, and of love for your Church.

Lord Jesus Christ, God’s chosen one, coming in power to baptise the nations:
help your Church to bear witness to your coming, until your purpose is accomplished,
your sacrifice completed,
and until God the Father, God the Son,
and God the Holy Spirit is praised and glorified for ever and ever. AMEN.

Our closing Hymn is No 547 ‘What a friend we have in Jesus…’

1 thought on “Service for Sunday 29th March 2020

  1. Karen Ritchie

    Thank you Jim for this service and those of the last six months.
    Thanks also to those who have helped to send out this online service. Youtube links much appreciated.


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